A Few List of Coin Collecting Magazines

Numismatists formed an organization that is known by serious coin collectors. They also have their own publications that feature the latest news, current images of sought-after coins and other facts of coins, coin collections and their collectors. Coin collecting magazines provide the information helpful to the serious coin collectors and would-be coin collectors.

The different publications about coinage are geared towards informing the coin collectors of the latest materials, reports and other substantive pieces of facts about coins and coin collectors.

Some of these coin collecting magazines are known worldwide by different collectors of different nationalities.

COINage is an American magazine published monthly Miller Magazines, Inc. The journal focuses on the interest of coin investors and, of course, the numismatists. It monthly delivers updates of coins, biographies of coin investors, coin history and collecting advice.

Numismatic Circular is a London-based international biennial publication. It is recorded to be the oldest numismatic publication in operation today. It has articles that feature images of coins and coin books and all about interesting news of numismatists. The publication is also into selling coins and banknotes.

Numismatist is an American Numismatic Association’s publication that features topics about token, medals, and most specially coins. Members of the organization can receive the monthly magazine.

Coin World Magazine is the world’s number one coin collector’s publication. It has several features on its weekly coverage. It is an in-depth source of information about coins, reports, trends, metals and tips about coin collecting. It has its own website providing access to coin collectors and other interested individuals to read some pieces of information. Subscribing on its weekly publication can be done through its website. Grabbing its publication can either be in print handouts or online feature. The publication is in the United States but it has an international coverage.

World Coin News is a magazine authorized to publish images of coins from various nations. It is a broad journal that features information of worldwide numismatics. Subscribers and readers can get a chance the latest happenings of shows about coins worldwide.

Coins Magazine is a popular numismatic publication that has featured archives of the latest coins, historical description and the calendar of numismatic events.

Some of these coin collecting magazines can be subscribed online. You can get a copy of the magazines through a yearly subscription paid in advance. Getting a copy can also be done through a mail order. If you are interested about coin collecting, be sure to grab any of the coin collecting magazines.

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