Craft Beads

Did you know how craft beads evolved in North America as well as with the Native Americans? In this article, you will catch a glimpse.

North America Since the primordial periods, craft beads have been an integral part in the history of North America. As time evolved, the art did not lose its niche in the society. An evidence to which is a 1984 necklace that has six strands out of turquoise. The accessory was made by family of a certain Joe Garcia that lived in Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico. The jewelry was actually a duplicate of one that his daughter uses every event she had performed. If you can find the piece in the museum, you would not fail to notice the meticulously size- graduated stones that seemingly have no break in between.

Aside from the ornamentations, the origin of craft beads in North America also covered the quilting societies of Cheyenne women. For them, the task was given much respect to the point of sponsoring an individual in order to acquire the talent of learning the art. There were also societies formed that focused into developing the technical expertise of the members. The work was not only a hobby of pastime for them because it was also sacred. In a lot of areas around the continent, there were ladies who undertook the effort in order to accomplish a vow in prayer.

Native American Are you familiar with the Native American items such as the belts and purses that are made out of thick leather? If you are not, most probably, you were not yet born in the 1960’s. However, even if the art started several years ago, this has been regarded as the “modern” craft beads that has been continuously emulated in oriental plants then imported at a cheap price. The case did not add value to high- grade products done by the local people because it resulted to tough competition in the market.

In the middle of the 1980’s, there was a study conducted by the General Accounting Office of the United States that revealed a huge deficit. The local people lost tens of millions of dollars in potential sales instead of gaining such amount for their “modern” craft beads livelihood. The sad part there was, fake products out their control were their so- called contenders. By 1990, a Native American Arts Act was passed to put an end to the issue.

Up until now, the essential role of craft beads has been preserved.

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