Fun and Interesting Dollhouse Ideas

Now that you have your own dollhouse, why not think out of the box and unleash your creative juices by adding fun touches to it? Decorating your dollhouse is but a fun and exciting way of putting your creativity to the test. And just before you think that dollhouses and decorating them are only for children, think again. Decorating dollhouses just might be your ultimate respite from your usual blues, wherein it can take you back into whimsical challenge and revelry. Here are some dollhouse ideas to perk up your dollhouse.

Decorating a dollhouse may seem like a walk in the park for you especially if you are the highly creative, resourceful and artistic sort. The first thing that you need to do is to create a look for your dollhouse that resembles what you have in your own home. Depending on your budget and the theme of your decorating, you can purchase as many dollhouse collectibles and furnishings as you like. There are a lot of dollhouse manufacturers that provide miniature furniture and decorative pieces to help you achieve that ultimate dream dollhouse. You can also think of other dollhouse ideas and items to jazz up your miniature house as well. Whether you would like a dollhouse that looks plain and simple, bizarre and eccentric or fashion forward and avant-garde, the choice is up to you.
If you have never tried decorating a dollhouse, you may be surprised to find that that you can actually utilize scrap items and recyclable materials for your dollhouse decorative piece. Make beds, cabinets, couches, tables and other furniture out of matchbox cartons. Turn waste cloth into something useful again by using it for upholstery while re-use old and stashed wrapping paper as your dollhouse’s wallpaper. This is an excellent idea to make great crafts out of scrap items.
If you prefer decorating your dollhouse to a more elaborate theme, such as a multi-level Victorian setting, you may need to buy a good number of miniatures and other decorative pieces. These items are widely available in department stores, conventional stores and even online. It is important to remember though, to make sure that the items you are buying should fit the scale of your dollhouse, otherwise it may break the look that you want to achieve.

Be sure to get a good craft glue when securing the decorative pieces into the dollhouse’s location, making sure that it does not stain other items nor smudge. You may also need non-toxic paint and poster paints to add touches of color into your dollhouse. Play up with different colors and make them look as fun, exciting and enthralling possible. Make sure to paint your dollhouse’s exterior to maintain its effect ad well as the dollhouse’s overall structure.

The list of dollhouse ideas is endless. So whether you decorate your dollhouse alone or with the company of children, it’s important to have fun and enjoy.

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