Gemstone beads

For lovely presents without having to spend a fortune on jewelry, gemstone beads can effectively take the place of precious stones. Trust your instincts, your loved ones will definitely love them – women as far back as 38,000 ago did. Apart from serving as ornaments and jewelry, the earliest uses of gemstone beads included trading essentials like a currency, or answer to metaphysical characteristics.

The advantages of using gemstone on jewelry is their colors never wear out and are treated by Nature herself, not mention the durability of gemstone beads that will certainly reach longevity. Gemstone beads found thousands of years ago in many places around the globe are still in perfect shape. The many kinds of gemstones will allow you to choose your favorite color and incorporate them in a design.

Where art thou my gemstone?

Different traditions all over the world have acknowledged the metaphysical properties of gemstones and crafted them as jewelry to provide some effects on the physical, spiritual, and even on the financial aspects. Here we listed down the popular gemstones used as beads for jewelry, their origin, composition, and metaphysical properties.

Aventurine is said to be a good luck stone, especially on the matter of finance. The stone is believed to stimulate creativity, perceptiveness, and intelligence. For ages, the stone was used to provide a sense of well-being. Agate comes in a variety of colors and even stripes. The agate pebbles are worn to promote overall protection and healing. The stone is also believed to enhance courage, confidence on oneself, energy, as well as promoting longevity. This is also the stone for gardeners.

Amber is believed to have healing properties, attractiveness, energy, and protects from negativity. Amethyst has a dark purple color and believed to increase vivid dreams, promotes calmness, spirituality and serenity, and relieves depression. It helps with stress and forms of addiction. Appatite gemstone beads have a shiny finish and sought for people who to relieve stuttering or hypertension. It also rids of one’s grief and feelings of guilt.

Aquamarine is the gemstone of March people (born in the month of March). Aquamarine gemstone beads help improve sight, attain a sharper mind, and conditions troubled emotions.

Emerald’s color is green and is a mind stone. People wear emerald gemstone beads to help achieve better memory, enhance nimble thinking to come up with the right decisions.

Garnet helps balance the natural energy of a person. It is known as the stone that protects, increases security and confidence. Hematite gemstone beads are grinding stones that help calm, reduce stress, soothe, and lower blood pressure. Jade is a stone for wisdom, humility, generosity, mercy, peace, and harmony. Wearing jade as jewelry helps protect a person and brings luck. You can place some jade underneath your pillow for invigorating dreams.

Gemstone beads make good fashion jewelry as well and serve as symbols of beau monde. You can wear them on ordinary days or special occasions, or mix and match them with your clothes. Experience their power, and beauty.

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