Hand Embroidery and Its Types

Generally speaking, embroidery refers to the method of stitching that can be done either by hand or by a sewing machine. Of the two methods, hand embroidery is the most complicated. It is tougher to do than machine embroidery and it can be scrupulously intricate and time consuming for the reason that it involves the use of nimble fingers and it demands much creativity. It is this nature basically which makes hand embroidery an arduous job.

Hand embroidery comes in several types. Each type differs significantly from the technique used, as well as from the designs and patterns developed. They also differ according to their origin, but all are said to be capable of creating an end result that is worth boasting.

The first well-known type of hand embroidery is cross-stitch. I bet many of you are familiar with this type. You probably have done this before. Well, cross-stitch is by far the most popular form of hand embroidery today. It is done simply by forming X-shaped stitches on the fabric to create an image or design. It is easy to learn and what’s nice to know is that a myriad of patterns and designs for cross-stitching are now available to consider.

There is also the canvas work which is done by forming stitches on a canvas fabric to cover the canvas itself. Many of those who have used this method typically create their canvas works by using a yarn. The yarn may of course vary in texture as there are some that comes in pure silk, metallic and synthetic threads, while others are just knitted.

Another notable type of hand embroidery is the ribbon embroidery. This method has actually been around for years now. It is known by many as the most passe of hand embroidery. It is created for a romantic appeal and it uses simply a ribbon, perle cotton, and embroidery floss to form a stitch pattern or design that is highly decorative. Just like the rest of hand embroidery, this is easy and fun to do.

The Blackwork embroidery is another popular type of hand embroidery that is said to have originated from the time of Henry VIII. It is done with the use of a black thread stitched on a white fabric. It is noted for its even weave with the threads being twisted to give the craft a thicker look and appeal.

There is also the Bargello embroidery, originating in medieval Italy. It is traditionally crafted on a piece of wool canvas and features vertical and upright flat stitches of various lengths and sizes. It is stitched primarily for pillows, carpets, and upholstery.

Several other types of hand embroidery are available out there on the market. To complete the list, there is also the Assisi embroidery, whitework, hardanger embroidery, and counted-thread embroidery. All of these types are easy and fun to do.

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