How a CNC Router Works

Woodworking is practiced by many people, ranging from novice to experienced ones. Most of these woodworkers have a variety of tools, from simple hand tools to sophisticated power equipment.

However, there are woodworkers who are so advanced that they use computerized, automated machines. These machines are called Computer Numerical Control routers, or CNC routers for short.

Basically, a CNC router is a large, automatic machine with a cutter head or end mill at the end which rotates in an axis, much like an electric drill. The cutting head remains fixed in its position. The cutting head rotates at 24,000 rounds per minute. The cutting head, which is around 20 to 25 millimeters in diameter, can be exchanged for other tips of different shapes.

Below this rotating apparatus is a moveable table. This table is quite large, ranging from 25 to 50 square feet, so that it can accommodate large pieces of wood. The material to be cut or shaped is placed on this table, held by air suction or vacuum.

The CNC router is connected to a computer. The design of the intended item is programmed into the computer using a graphics design software. The table moves along as it follows the design on the screen.

A CNC router is used for making complex shapes and forms out of wood or other soft material such as plastic. By changing the cutting head, the machine can accomplish complex operations such as engraving, cutting, precision drilling, rebating and routing. To get rid of the wood chips and dust, a CNC router has air ducts which vacuum the debris and blow it outside.

Some CNC routers are made especially for making cabinets. This kind of router has a group of drills or cutting heads that are programmed to come down separately or as one. Using this configuration and spaced at 32 millimeters apart on centers, a cabinet panel could be drilled on all four edges as well as the top surface.

The person operating a CNC router should also be computer savvy and should be familiar with computer aided manufacturing programs or CAMs that are specially made for wood routers. The reason for this is that certain types of wood have different grains. That means one CAM software cannot be applied to different grains.

For the novice, average and even experienced woodworkers, a CNC router is very expensive. These machines are intended for use in large factories, not in private woodworking shops. However, this machine will truly give them an edge over other woodworkers.

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