Ingredients and Steps in Making Laundry Soap

It is very easy to make laundry soap. There are many free recipes with simple and easy to follow steps using ingredients that are pretty much available anywhere. What is also good about making your own laundry soap is that you can actually save more money and you can stock up as much laundry soap as you want.

Steps in making your own laundry soap:

Basic Ingredients:

– Bar of soap

The most well-known bars of soap used by soap makers are Fels Naptha, Ivory and Zote. However, you can use any bar of soap that you can find in the grocery store.

– Washing Soda

Washing soda is not baking soda so you should not get confused. They are very much similar in appearance because both of them are white powders. However, they have different compositions. Washing soda is sodium carbonate while baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. The purpose of washing soda is to remove the dirt and stains from your clothes. The best brand of washing soda is Arm & Hammer Washing Soda. You can find this brand in the detergent section of grocery stores.

– Borax

Borax is also similar in appearance with both washing and baking powder. It is sodium borate that serves as a laundry deodorizer and whitener. The best brand that you can use is 20 Mule Team that can also be found in the detergent section of grocery stores.

Since you already know the basic ingredients needed in making laundry soap, now let’s proceed with the steps.


– 1/3 bar of soap (any brand)
– Washing soda (1/4 cup)
– Borax (1/4 cup)
– Water


– Small bucket
– Sauce pan
– Grater


1. Grate the bar of soap and place it in a sauce pan.
2. Put 6 cup of water in the sauce pan and place it under low heat. Wait until the soap melts completely.
3. Put both washing soda and borax and the stir continuously.
4. Remove the sauce pan from the stove.
5. Pour four cups of hot water in the bucket and then pour the melted laundry soap mix.
6. Add a gallon of gold water in the mix. Stir continuously and then let the soap mix settle until it turns into a gel form.

Note: The laundry soap will not really harden like your typical detergent bar.

Regardless of its appearance and texture, it will still be effective and removing the dirt and odor from your clothes. It is the ingredients that perform the cleaning. Aside from the basic ingredients mentioned above, you also have the option to put perfumed oils for a pleasant smell.

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