Instructions on How to Make Natural Soap

Before going to the step-by-step instructions on how to make natural soap, it would be good to understand first what makes natural soap natural. Soaps with fragrance oils and colorants made precisely for soap-making are not all-natural soaps because the mentioned ingredients are produced artificially. Traditionally, animal fat is used in soap-making but while this is of course natural, the use of vegetable fat instead of something that came from an animal has become more popular these days. The internet is filled with recipes showing how to make natural soap using vegetable oils. Another chief ingredient of almost any soap is lye or sodium hydroxide. This is a chemical that is naturally produced when you burn wood so you will also find it in natural soaps.

Here are some instructions on how to make natural soap at home using inexpensive ingredients, most of which are easily available in health food stores or the supermarket:

1.) Make the alkaline solution by adding 2 oz. of Red Devil lye slowly into 32 oz. of distilled cold water in a glass container, stirring slowly with a wooden spoon. The lye will react with the water, heating it and releasing fumes so be careful not inhale any. Set aside the solution to cool the lye.
2.) Prepare the oils by melting 24 oz. coconut oil and 38 oz. vegetable oil in a stainless steel kettle over low fire, stirring frequently. Once the oils have melted, add in 24 oz. of olive oil.
3.) Wait until the lye solution and the oils reach the same temperature range. Use a glass thermometer to check if both mixtures are about 95 to 98 degrees, and then pour the lye slowly and steadily to the oils.
4.) Using a stainless steel wire whisk, blend the mixture.
5.) Wait until saponification and tracing occurs, which is when the soap mixture appears like light cream and soap droplets are able to hold up on a surface.
6.) Add 4 oz. of any essential oil and stir thoroughly.
7.) Spray vegetable oil inside the soap molds and then pour the soap into them.
8.) Cover the soap molds with towels and set them aside. Let the soap go through a gelling and heating process. Do not touch for about 18 hours.
9.) Take off the towel covers and allow the soaps to sit for 12 hours more.
10.) Pop out the soap from the molds and cut them into bars.
11.) Cure the soap for about 4-6 weeks before you use them.

How to make natural soap safely: Always wear goggles and rubber gloves. Keep some vinegar handy as first-aid remedy because lye can burn your skin.

The slightest variations in the measurement will cause your soap to have a deep layer of oil on top, in which case you will not be able to use the soap. So, make sure to follow the above measurements and directions on how to make natural soap to get perfect results.

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