Ivory Beads

Heard about ivory beads? Seen beads made of ivory? Well, hundreds of people are looking for these materials since the ancient times. Fortunately, thousands of beads made of ivory are now designed and marketed all over the world. The source of ivory, however, is limited only to India and the African countries where elephants are raised.

Yes, ivory comes from the tusks of the elephants. Several reports have noted that in the early days, a number of elephants were killed just for their tusks. The killing, however, was banned following the recognition that elephants are becoming extinct. With the banning, the supply of ivory was also reduced, then making the ivory beads these days a bit difficult to find.

The ivory beads are crafted into different designs for several reasons and purposes. In the first place, the beads are used for jewelry making. Some also use the beads for their art projects, as well as in dress making and other fashion crafts. They are crafted into different designs to meet the needs of the individuals. And, unlike the other beads available on the market, the ivory beads only come in one particular color, which is ivory, although there are others that are bleached and painted or polished. They vary, however, in terms of size and shape.

Speaking of color, the ivory beads are crafted into different designs while retaining their natural color. This is considered simply for the fact that the natural color of these beads allows each pieces to glow even in the dark. They are also noted for their unique texture which is soft and smooth. And, this softness, according to many bead artists, is what actually makes the ivory beads easy to carve or design.

Now, if you are one of the hundreds looking for ivory beads, I have good news for you. The beads can now be found both offline and online. Many consumers, however, prefer to go online than to drive around just to find the right pieces. Well, this preference is becoming so strong knowing that searching for the best ivory beads online can only be done in just a matter of clicks. More than a hundred jewelry and craft stores are now operating on the web to give you a wide selection of high quality beads, after all.

However, when searching for ivory beads online, choose only the reliable stores. You can do this by knowing everything about the company, their services and products, and their store policies. Look for a site that offers you guarantees. Once you’ve found one, choose the beads according to what you really need or want.

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