Men Can Scrapbook Too

Who said scrapbooking is just for girls? Males are becoming significant contributors to this ever growing hobby. More and more men have taken an interest in scrapbooking for several reasons.

One of the reasons men have taken an interest in scrapbooking is because it gives them a chance to tell a man’s side of the story.

They can use their experiences in camping, hunting, fishing or any other sport or activity to tell their story in this unique fashion. It allows them to get creative with their past and present memories, all the while remaining in their “comfort zone”.

Another reason men are taking a greater interest in scrapbooking is because it allows them to spend more time with their significant other, doing something they both enjoy, and bringing them closer together. One engaged man said he hopes to bring a male perspective to the scrapbooks he creates with his future wife sharing both views of their relationship.

One more reason men are jumping on the scrapbooking bandwagon is because they can see that it is big business. Men aren’t fools.

They are getting involved in scrapbooking because there is a profit to be made. Men are starting to catch the nature of the business and some have even hired male instructors to teach a portion of the scrapbooking classes.

They feel that with a male instructor, other men will feel more comfortable getting involved. A majority of men are also getting involved because it is trendy and the classes are a good way to meet girls to date who have similar interests.

Perhaps the majority of men involved in scrapbooking are still behind the scenes as business owners, investors and designers.

It is predicted that as family history and genealogy are combined with scrapbooking we may see men participating more. Maybe men won’t desire to layout scrapbook pages, but certainly in the digital scrapbooking arena they will feel more comfortable.

As digital scrapbooking becomes more customizable, there will be more and more masculine pages to select from.

This technology will also give men the ability to create “moving scrapbooks” using their digital pictures.

More and more companies are creating supplies keeping men in mind and sharing techniques and ideas that incorporate men’s hobbies and interests into family or personal scrapbooks.

There are many innovative ideas, layout examples and creative ways to get men involved first hand in the pages that represent them.

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