Sewing: The Art of Creativity

Sewing is a magnificent art, possessed by a lucky few! Sewing brings out your artistic talent and pools your ideas and thinking into a beautiful design. It involves a great deal of hard work and talent. This art has been followed since ages. Who doesn’t like beautiful dresses and clothing? And these dresses have intricate designs and sewing patterns on them, they are just irresistible.

Today’s generation does not consider this talent of sewing as an indispensable art unlike the earlier generation, where practically every person was aware of this art.

For starters, it is advisable to start with simple patterns of designs. These lovely designs in the fabric will interest you more than the quality of fabric and you will end up buying it. In the patterned form of sewing, a template is used to create a specific pattern on the cloth, making complicated designs or simple designs on the fabric. Once you are adept in the art of sewing, you can often use the more intricate patterns of sewing to create magic in your fabric with splendid designs.

You can take over sewing projects starting from simple to difficult ones according to your talent in that field. This is also an opportunity for you to excel in your skill and really master it. It is nevertheless difficult to learn, you need patience and real creative sense. It is a skill, which requires lot of time. Initially, you may lose yourself completely in the pattern, and presto and later come up with a mind-blowing sewing pattern.

India is a land of festivals. All the houses and streets are decorated in festive time. Indians generally celebrate all our festivals with equal fervor and enthusiasm. Adding spices to these occasions, design your own clothes, and use patterns of sewing in accordance with your ability. This need not be restricted to clothes only.

Blankets, home furnishings, pillows, anything that catches your fancy can give you a platform to display your creativity. Even in blankets, you can avail of the intricate pattern of sewing to make it look more attractive.

There was a time when ladies used to spend their time sewing beautiful patterns after completing their household chores. Nowadays, modern culture is slowly stealing that magic from us, leaving less time for hobbies and creative growth in us. But, we must discover this beautiful skill all over again and bring the sewing magic back in our lives1
So don’t wait! Just take a leap and dive into the wonderful world of sewing and design your thoughts and dreams into a sewing pattern!

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