Testing Your Skills With New Knitting Designs

A lot of people take up knitting since it is unbelievably one of the most relaxing preoccupations that one can have as a hobby. If you are a certified enthusiast, then you’d probably encounter that certain point where you feel need to challenge yourself and push your skills to the limit with some more difficult knitting designs. So why not test you own innate creativity and come up with a design of your own? It certainly sounds appealing enough.

So where do you actually start?

Most professional knitters claim that inspiration for coming up with knitting designs would usually present itself from one’s vivid imagination. The artist’s eye easily perceives and sees things the way it should come out to be in their mind. However, not all individuals are lucky enough to have that gift. So the best course of action would be to take some necessary notes on what color combinations you would want to use and the yarn types that would be most suitable to use at the same time make some preliminary sketches of knitting deigns that you have in mind. There are actually two important reasons behind this. First of all, by taking time to jot down even the tiniest details would ensure you will not forget anything, or if you plan to put off this particular project, you can easily file it away in you ‘to do lists’. The second reason would be the fact that once you put to paper your ideas, you would breathe more life into it and possibly develop some more concrete plans.

But what if the mere idea of sketching may fill you up with dread, especially it you admittedly don’t know how to draw? You simply have to overcome this hurdle by keeping in mind that everybody can draw, and your sketchbook is for your eyes only, so its doesn’t have to be artist-worthy. As long as you understand you’re drawing, that’s all that matters.

However, you can’t quite find that spark of inspiration, then by all means browse through some colorful knitting designs in the pages of the magazine and look for a garment with the similar shape of what you want to work on. Then make a separate copy and use this as a guide.

Remember, since this is a new approach and not one of the usual pattern for knitting designs, you will undoubtedly encounter some snags and hitches along the way – which means, you need to have a little more patience. But keep in mind that it is definitely more rewarding project since it is basically your very own original idea.

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