The Stuffed Animal Collectible Industry

People have the ability to build entire extensive collections around one small concept. Maybe you find baby dolls to be cute enough to collect. If this is the case, you can fill up rooms and rooms with baby dolls, collecting them from multiple different sources. Maybe you find porcelain dolls particularly enthralling. The case is the same with these. One of the most popular collectible hobbies is to collect stuffed bears. Some people are just so attracted to the huggable bears that they can’t help but buy all of the different cute varieties that are available. It is possible to quickly and effortlessly build a great and formidable collection of stuffed bears for your viewing pleasure. There are many different companies in the stuffed animal industry who are famous for producing bears that are highly collectible.

Candi Bears, by the designer of the same name, are popular collectibles, and no bear collection is complete without one. They are perhaps most infamous for their double jointed necks. You can recognize them by their “Candi” brand that is located around their leg area. They are available directly from the manufacturer, or on secondhand collectible resources.

Busser Bears are created by Leeann Snyder. She is one of the most famous names in the doll collectible industry, and her bears are very complex and unique. Each of her bears is able to “breath” through its nose, which is a unique feature in the collectible bear industry. She has produced many one of a kind bears that are very valuable. She has also made regular editions of bears that are common and easy to find.

Steiff bears are infamous for having their brand displayed on buttons inside of their ears. Steiff offers quite a few different bear collections, as well as other types of stuffed animals. They are imported from Germany, so some view them as extra rare and collectible. You can find them on eBay and many other auction sites. Many editions of Steiff bears are very common, so you can find the name brand without dropping too much cash.

Deb Canham is a designer from the UK who is known for making smaller bears. Any collection needs a large variety of different sizes and types of bears, so a Deb Canham miniature bear is a great place to start if you want to get some unique bears for your collection. They are made to be collectible straight from the factory, with each different edition made in small numbers.

Gaby Schlotz is another designer that has been in the industry for quite a while. Her bears are unique in the fact that they have semi-realistic joints and “bones” in their bodies that will stay in the various positions that you may put them in. The joints correspond to human joints, so you can swivel them in many different directions, and pose the bear uniquely every time you want a change of pace.

The Finhold Gallery bears are the cream of the crop when it comes to custom bears. They have very unique features that make them easily distinguishable from other brands. The editions are extremely limited, and often there is only one made for each collector. They are custom ordered, so once you have saved up enough for one you should definitely fulfill that dream.

Hopefully at least a few of these stuffed bear manufacturers have sounded at least a bit interesting. If you are a bear collector and you have one of each of these in your collection, you should consider yourself lucky. Most people would be ecstatic to get a bear from one of those companies, and to have all of them is the dream of many bear collectors. So if you are going to start out with a bear collection, you should look into those companies and see if you can find some affordable bears to get started.

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