Traditional Welsh Quilting

A lot of people have admittedly fallen in love with the art of quilting, mainly because it has the unrivaled perfect blend of aesthetic value and functionality. Quilting was first discovered in the 17th century, but until now it continues to transcend beyond time and the fickle dictates of fashion trends. Agreeably so that it still continues to thrive with many quilting enthusiasts and aficionados who all can wait to get their hands on a premium quality quilt.

Among the popular techniques of classic quilting method is the traditional Welsh quilting, which is highlighted by the rich and profound history of the country. It was said that during the earliest days, some itinerant quilters would travel and visit one house after another to make a perfect quilt for the family for the winter season or for the matrimonial bed. Whether this might just be a highly romanticized myth or actually has a grain of truth to it, we may never know for sure. However, one thing remains definite, a lot of people are still impressed with the sheer artistry and creativity of the traditional Welsh quilting method.

So how to do actually identify the traditional welsh quilting to that of the other equally popular quilting methods? Most of the traditional Welsh quilting materials are usually characterized with simple and graphic designs that are commonly seen in strong and deep colors. This means that even in a highly contemporary setting, a traditional Welsh quilting material will fit right in. If you want to check out some of the samples of the technique, then fell free to visit the website, with Jen Jones who also happens to be the author of Welsh Quilts, the complete quilting guide for Welsh inspired quilts.

Years an ago, Welsh used lamb wool and even some threadbare blankets to be used as the wadding in the quilts. The typical themes of their quilts usually depict some leaves, acorns, trees, tulips and the Welsh pear. So you can expect that the designs would be range from the highly elaborate and intricate to the simple yet striking pieces.

Needles to say, quilting has become a big part in the tradition of people from different countries. Almost all of the diverse culture have me embraced the idea of quilting as a form of keepsake and loving memories of family members sewn together as handed down from one generation to another.

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