Unique Scrapbook Ideas

Is scrapbooking a hobby that you enjoy? If so, you may take any opportunity to create a scrapbook or even just a scrapbook page. Have you ever taken time to think outside of the box? When doing so, you may be surprised how many ways there are for you to incorporate scrapbooking into other hobbies and activities.

Make a recipe book. Is your family known for its tasty foods? If so, take some of those recipes and create a homemade recipe scrapbook. Doing so is very easy and you have a lot of options. A scrapbook with a recipe theme can be the start of a family tradition.

To make a recipe scrapbook, write the recipe on a sheet of paper or print the directions from your computer. You can do so on themed or decorated paper. Speaking of decorated paper, use a full sheet as your background. Pick a food related theme, such as fruits and vegetables. Glue the recipe onto the page and create a border around it. You can also add stickers, ribbons, and photographs of the dishes to the page.

Make recipe cards. In addition to making a full size scrapbook, you can also use your creativity and love for scrapbooking to make recipe cards. Aside from your everyday scrapbook supplies, you can use a large blank index card. Decorate the card just like you would a scrapbook page.

In addition to creating recipe cards, make a personalized recipe box. You can use your scrapbooking supplies on a small box made of cardboard. Unfinished wood recipe boxes are also available for sale in many craft stores. You can paint it for a unique look that matches your handmade recipe cards.

Make a board book. Many parents scrapbook important milestones in the lives of their children. Most wait until their child ages to the point when they can truly appreciate a scrapbook and the meaning behind to hand it over. It you do not want to wait, opt for a board book instead. Blank board books are available for sale online and in craft stores. Use them to create a mini-scrapbook for small children.

In addition to creating a mini-scrapbook highlighting your child’s greatest moments so far, you can also choose a different theme. For toddlers and preschoolers, the perfect theme is the alphabet. Continue to decorate your child’s book like a scrapbook, but instead of photographs, use clipart. For the letter A, include a picture of an apple, ant, or both.

Frame individual scrapbook pages. When it comes to scrapbooking, many of us automatically envision full size books that are packed to capacity. Yes, this is how many scrapbookers work, but there is another unique option. That option is to make individual scrapbook pages, as opposed to books. Those pages can be framed and displayed around your home or given as gifts.

Create a screensaver or computer background. Parents and those who treasure the relationships with their friends and family often display pictures on their computer, as either a background image or a screensaver. Aside from using plain digital photos, you can use your scrapbook pages. This is easiest with a digital scrapbook, but handmade scrapbook pages can be scanned and uploaded to a computer.

As you can see, there are a many ways that you can use your love for scrapbooking to create other works of art. In fact, these are just a few of your many options.

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