Crochet Techniques As Passed On

Crochet techniques have plagued a lot of crochet enthusiasts worldwide. In fact, crochet techniques have been discussed in public schools ever since the early 1800’s. At the time, there weren’t that many crochet patterns to choose from. There were just crochet pieces previously made. These pieces then became points of reference for crochet enthusiasts back then.

But in 1840, crochet patterns became available to the public already. And these patterns were passed on from one generation to another. And along with the passage of such patterns came improvement of crochet techniques as well. Plus, the world of fashion really took off in the late 1800’s! A lot of people back then started incorporating their crochet techniques into fashionable accessories.

But the older generation’s crochet techniques are quite primitive, when compared to that of the present. Way back in the 1800’s, crochet techniques would have people work their pieces from row to the following row. The older generation would cut the yarn after every line of crochet stitches has been made. The broken yarn would then be attached to the first stitch prior to the row you’re about to make. This seems a very tedious task. And this is exactly why crochet techniques have been modified and developed to achieve this.

Back then, crochet was done only by people who belong to the upper society. It was a hobby viewed by many people as just a means of passing time. And during that time, crochet techniques were passed from one elite generation to another.

Over time, people outside high society became interested in developing crochet techniques for their own. Pretty soon, crocheting became more than just a hobby. Crocheting became a means of making money, especially for the jobless women in the 1800’s. Plus, patterns were made more accessible in the 1840’s! This meant more opportunities for women, who didn’t waste time improving whatever crochet techniques they have already learned.

Just like any fashion fad, crochet techniques were used and changed as trends came and went. For starters, crochet techniques were focused on making crocheted clothes. This was around the 1970’s. Crocheted clothes were definitely the in-thing at the moment!

Crochet techniques involving beads were also developed as early as the 1880’s. Beads have always played a major role in the fashion world. It is but natural for beads to be incorporated into crochet techniques. And even up to now, crochet techniques involving beads are still very popular.

Indeed, crocheting is a hobby people should try to take up at one point or another in their lives. This makes a very soothing pastime for anyone worldwide. And it also provides a great way for crochet enthusiasts to do hand exercises!

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