Embroidery Cards

Identified as a form of art that adds life to any fabric, sewing can be simply achieved by having a needle and thread. When you take a trip down the memory lane, especially when you speak about planet earth’s earliest civilizations such as the Phoenicians and Babylonians, all designs were conceptions of their wild imaginations. Today, you are very much privileged because you need not toil on how this and that pattern will be done. Thanks to embroidery cards that are selling like hotcakes nowadays.

When you execute the craft in a manual format, embroidery cards will unmistakably be of huge assistance. All you have to do is get a floss then trace the outline on the textile and viola, you already have a model to follow. If you are planning to make use of a machine, there is no problem whatsoever since all you have to do is follow the same procedure. The complications will enter when you begin utilizing the equipment and you are not yet very familiar how to operate it.

Embroidery cards can be availed in different types such as surface and canvas. Surface is where the prototype is composed above the foundation of the material. Canvas is where the image is either printed or painted that will serve as a hue guide. There is also what you call free and counted. Free is where the designs are placed sans the consideration of weaving. Counted is where the drafts are achieved by stitching over an estimated number of yarns.

At www.babylock.com there is a huge selection of embroidery cards you can avail. You can choose from collections namely Lace, Childhood Memories, Frosty Wishes, Song Birds, Playful Pets, Butterfly Scenes and Horatio.

Lace is ideal for a garment that even as early as now, you are thinking of keeping it for the next generations to come.

Childhood Memories will let you feel nostalgic about your friends and foes when you were young once.

Frosty Wishes will exhibit that generous spirit of Christmas. There may be no winter in your place but you will definitely feel the ambience of a snowy weather.

Song Birds will remind you of Hans Christian Anderson’s “The Nightingale”, renowned all over the world. And a favorite story among children

Playful Pets will feature puppies that will surely and pleasingly catch your attention because of how adorable they will appear.

Butterfly Scenes will allow you to experience how it is to feel the petal of a tulip or the leaf of a rose stem.

Horatio is a compilation of cuddly bears by a famous artist, Michael Adams. You will discover the whimsical gaze of a child admiring the cute design.

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