Enhance Your Scrapbook Pages

The main element of your scrapbook page is your focal point. This can appear anywhere on the page. Once you have that in place, you can feel free to get creative and have some fun.

The variety of visual materials that can be used on scrapbook page is almost infinite.

Just about anything you can find around the house can be used to embellish your pages, or as the old saying goes, “everything but the kitchen sink”.

Below is just a small list of items you might find around the house that you can use. You could probably make a never-ending list of items from around your house that could be used to embellish your scrapbook.

Items like stamps, stickers, coins, buttons, beads, beans, rice, scraps of fabric, pieces of yarn, dried leaves, pressed flowers, seeds, leftover pieces of wallpaper or gift wrap are some examples of what you might use.

You want to remember that some of these items may be bulkier or more difficult to keep affixed to your pages, so be sure to take that into consideration when choosing embellishments.

has a forum that you can try out that would give you an opportunity to interact with other scrappers who may be able to help add to you “never-ending list” and also discuss the pros and cons of some of your ideas.

The most important thing to remember when using these items is to make sure that they are acid, lignin and PVC free. If they are not free of these chemicals, then you may not want to use them directly on your pages.

These chemicals are harsh and will destroy your paper, photographs and other memorabilia. Page protectors are acid-free and archival safe for all your photos, journals, records and family history memorabilia.

They come in several different full sheet sizes as well as a Gallery style photo page protector. Special page protectors for three-dimensional pages are also available.

These protection pages not only protect your objects but also reduce indentations caused by three-dimensional objects.

One of the best things about embellishments is that there are no standards for what can be used.

This makes being creative with embellishing an adventure and possibly the most fun you’ll have when creating your scrapbook.

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