Perler bead designs

Involve your children in some artwork or make them discover the artist within by giving them fun-filled activities for any occasion like Perler Bead Designs. Perler beads are colorful plastic, fusible beads that can be created to serve for decorative purposes like refrigerator magnets, picture frames, fancy jewelry items, and even toys.

The endless Perler bead designs make them a great activity to do with your child. It’s also a bonding moment for both of you while enjoying crafting Perler bead designs. Perler beads and Perler bead designs will surely delight any child with all the wonderful crafts to be made. The best thing about Perler beads is they come in kits and are available in major department stores nationwide like Wal Mart, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Rag Shops, and Acmoore.

Perler Bead Designs for beginners Perler Bead Bracelet is a design that features six flowers, another with four flowers, and pony beads serve as spacers between each flower. Secure these materials, and you’re ready to begin: Perler bead kit with circle board, thin elastic cord, iron, nail, thick needle, and sharp pencil.

To begin with, make as many flowers as desired to make the bracelet, pick a color from the center of the circle board then surround it with complementing colors. Follow the directions in the kit on how to iron the beads. While the beads are still warm, poke a hole through two of the circles opposite of the flower using a nail, needle, or pencil. If the beads have been left to cool, drill holes using a small drill bit. String the flower beads into the elastic cord. Finally, tie it up to form a loop. That should be a piece of cake.

Now let’s move on to more intricate Perler bead designs like the “heart-shaped box”. The pattern below may be followed religiously or use them as guides to make a special design. Along with a Perler bead kit, prepare these materials: small hear-shaped pegboard, matching thread or floss, and a thin ribbon.

Using the pegboard, outline the heart with Perler beads using the desired colors. Once the beads are ironed, lock the thread using an overhand knot and attach the four layers at the bottom to each other. Continue with this procedure until the heart shape is formed. Don’t forget to knot the thread after going through the last bead.

For the next step, attach the heart shape that will serve as the box top by threading a thin ribbon and lid, and then tie the ribbons in bows. If that seemed difficult without a diagram, this site can further help you out. The official site of Perler beads also offers Perler bead designs for free.

Perler bead designs help to get beginners get accustomed with the whole idea of beading. Being productive during past times is not hard. All it takes is a little imagination and the right kind of stuff.

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