Safety Precautions When Making Candles

Have you been scalded by hot cooking oil before? If you have, then you know how painful it is. You will probably re-live that pain if you’re not careful in making your candles. Waxes are melted at a high temperature which makes them super hot. However, with the proper safety precautions making candles is a worthwhile activity. It is a fun activity which you can enjoy with the whole family or with your kids. But since we’re talking about having small kids running around while you’re melting wax, it would be best if you understand the risks and potential dangers of making candles.

One of the first things that you need to do is to keep and orderly and clean workstation. Wax is a very slippery substance so keep the floor clear of solidified droplets of candle wax. Spilled wax and essential oils are potential hazards which can lead to some mishaps. Also, it would be best to set up your working area with proper ventilation especially if you’re going to work with various essential oils and fragrances. Experimenting with various scents or even just storing them in a poor ventilated room can be quite asphyxiating or even cause irritations especially if the concentration of the fragrances is too high.

It is always best to be prepared. When you have designated your working area, drag your fire extinguisher in there or place it nearby where you can quickly reach for it when the need arises. Keep a couple of towels, rags or newspapers handy to deal with possible spills. And also, dress up protected. Gloves and an apron would be nice. In candle making, the more common injuries are skin burns and irritations mostly from the essential oils and other scents.

Speaking of essential oils and fragrances, it would be best to follow any instructions or recommendations the manufacturer’s have of their products. Keep the essential oils away from direct sunlight to avoid any reactions which might cause the oil to become toxic. Make sure you keep your essential oils above the shelves under lock and key. Pets and even children often become curious of the smell. Fruit fragrances sometimes smell so good that kids might actually taste them. In case some essential oils found their way into your eyes or on your skin, wash the area immediately with soap and water and go consult your doctor especially if irritations persist in the days that follow.

During the actual candle making process, make sure that you don’t leave the stove with the boiling water and melting wax unattended. Candle wax usually melts in 10 to 15 minutes under low fire. Do not place the candle directly on the flame because the wax will get burned and will catch fire. Overheated candle usually emits smoke and a pungent smell. This should be your signal to turn off the stove. A double boiler is, therefore, the best equipment to use when melting candle wax. In case your wax catches fire, never try to extinguish it using water. Water will only spread the fire. If the flame is still isolated on a pot, cover the pot immediately to cut off oxygen supply. When you got burning wax on surfaces, a dry chemical fire extinguisher would be the best way to go.

All the safety precautions when making candles is absolutely necessary to fully enjoy the activity. Be guided with these safety tips and your own common sense.

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