The benefits of Homemade Soap Recipes

Making homemade soap recipes is fun and interesting. What makes it more interesting is you are making your own homemade soap recipes which your family and, you, can use later on. This likewise means being able to use healthy soap ingredients rather than bury your skin in synthetic chemicals found in commercial soaps. Be careful in choosing soap bases in order not to defeat your purpose in using purely natural ingredients and none of the artificial additives.

Benefits of homemade soaps

The internet is one big resource for homemade soap recipes as hundreds of individuals, groups, or organizations are promoting homemade soaps following study findings that conclude the adverse effects of synthetic chemicals in commercial soaps. Homemade soap recipes are available for bar or liquid soaps. An additional benefit to making homemade soap recipes is the freedom to substitute your own natural ingredients to make a soap that suits your skin type and needs.

Homemade soap recipe

This is an example of a homemade soap recipe for “Coconut and Olive oil soap” that is rich in moisturizing agents. Prepare 8 oz. weight olive oil, 8 oz. weight coconut oil, 8 oz. weight rendered tallow, 3.49 weight sodium hydroxide (pure lye) Red Devil brand 100 % lye, and 9 fluid oz. water.

Follow these instructions: wear safety goggles and gloves, then combine water and solid lye and stir well under high heat. Set this mixture aside and allow to cool to 100-125ºF. Next, combine the oils over gentle heat until thoroughly melted, and allow to cool to the same temperature. Combine the lye solution and the oil mixture and stir for 15 minutes until it traces. Then pour the raw soap into your moulds. Wait for a few days until the soap is solid enough to be turned out.

There is only one basic formula to soap making but the soap making process can change depending on the various homemade soap recipes. The basic process is altered once various ingredients are used since they all act differently when heated.

Another example of a homemade recipe is the “Peaches and Cream Bath bar” which requires these ingredients: castile soap (as base), ¼ cup distilled water, ¼ cup powdered milk, 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil, 1/8 tsp. peach fragrance oil, 1 drop orange food coloring (optional). The corresponding instructions for this recipe are obviously different from the above recipe.

The castile soap has to be shredded and melted in hot water (over low heat) until it becomes sticky. Then, remove the mixture from heat and add the rest of the ingredients. Stir well until thoroughly blended. Then pour into a mould.

There are hundreds of other homemade soap recipes out there, so start making your own healthy soap now.

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