The Crochet Guide to the Craft’s What-Not’s

Crocheting can be a bit difficult to learn. And this even holds true for people who are no longer beginners at this hobby. For there are a lot of things about crocheting that are not really covered in instructional materials on the hobby. These things come with experience and constant practice. Which is why it helps to have a crochet guide on some of these certain things.

This crochet guide discusses some of the usual mistakes crochet enthusiasts make. After reading this crochet guide, you will be better equipped at avoiding these mistakes for your pieces.

A common mistake has something to do with tension. Since you’re new at the craft, chances are your hands would be too tight, and you will be tugging at the yarn too strongly. This should not be the case because this will only make your pieces too tight for comfort. What’s more, any crochet guide would advise that you keep your hands fluid and light when crocheting. Doing the opposite of this would just add stress to what’s supposed to be a soothing activity. So, try to relax yourself when crocheting your pieces. Find a comfortable position. This is definitely one of the first steps, if not the first ever, that can be found on any crochet guide.

Another common mistake is the absence of counting. Any crochet guide will have you counting the stitches that you make along the way. The counting will help you in determining how many stitches you should make. And, since you’re still a beginner, this is very vital because if you don’t do counting, it would be difficult to know where the next stitch should go.

Now, this next mistake is a very amusing one. And it is also very common. A lot of people, especially beginners, are scared of ripping out the stitches they’ve made. Do not be afraid to do so at all. If there’s something wrong with your piece, then you should rip it out, and redo it. People tend to hold on to these wrong parts because of the hard work they have put into the piece already. But the piece wouldn’t be as good as you’d want it to be, if you don’t rip out its bad parts.

Some people are also afraid of tackling the concept of a new stitch. This should not be the case at all. From the most basic crochet guide to the most complex one, each would recommend broadening your horizons. So, if you’re a master at the single crochet stitch, why don’t you try the double crochet stitch? You’re not expected to be a master at the new stitch right off the bat. But this will definitely help improve your skills.

Yes, it really pays to have some sort of crochet guide when learning the craft. Only this time, this crochet guide gives you the things to avoid. Which, in effect, provides a good enough balance for crochet enthusiasts, both beginners and veterans at the craft.

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