Watercolor Painting For Kids

Many parents buy their kids a simple watercolor set as young as six years old to make the painting as learning experience for them. Aside from instilling the value of art appreciation, parents encourage their kids to paint using watercolors because this can teach them the value of resourcefulness, creativity, patience, and perseverance.

Getting Started

Next to using crayons, kids are very fond of using watercolors when painting. Aside from being an enjoyable activity that kids can share with their parents, painting using watercolor can also be one of those activities they can share with their playmates and friends.

But, before you get excited in starting to teach your kids the beauty of watercolor painting, there are some things you need to consider:

1. Interest. The first thing to consider in encouraging your kids to get into watercolor painting is their interest in the craft. If your child is one of those who are into art and into drawing or collecting good images, then she or he is the perfect candidate for the activity. This is because she/he already has the drive and the creativity to create another masterpiece. But if your child is not yet interested with crafts and arts, it doesn’t mean he/she cannot indulge into watercolor painting. In fact, this is the perfect time to introduce him/her into a new world of exciting and enjoyable activity.

2. Space. Aside from the interest of your child in art, another thing you need to consider is the availability of space where your kids can do the activity. Since watercolor painting requires a lot of materials, you will need a space big enough for them to sprawl and to scatter the materials they will use for watercolor painting. It is advisable that you provide a space where kids can do their watercolor painting and a place where they can leave their stuff.

3. Availability and cost of supplies. You also need to consider the amount of materials and the cost of supplies your child will need. Since you are about to teach him /her basic watercolor painting, you will need a basic set composed of paints and pigments, brushes, papers, palette and water.

Since you will be the one teaching your child about watercolor painting, it would be best if you are familiar with it. Or it would be best if you will learn watercolor painting on your own. When your child sees you doing the activity he or she will be influenced in engaging into the craft.

One way to learn the basics of watercolor painting is to get a crash course online. Aside from the basic techniques in watercolor painting, you can also learn painting tips and application methods. By enrolling to an online watercolor painting class, you can also be introduced to different styles and modern techniques.

The length of the various watercolor painting courses available depends on your knowledge about the craft and how much more would you want to learn. But, basic online courses for watercolor painting usually last from four days up to one week. Then, you will be asked to complete the rest of the exercises at home.

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