Wedding and Anniversary Scrapbooks

Are you fresh out of ideas for the perfect wedding or anniversary scrapbook? Let me take a few minutes to give you some tips and ideas that will inspire you.

And remember, you’ll want to add touches of the couple’s personality, taste and style to make the scrapbook more personal and meaningful.

This is much simpler to do than you may think.

If you’re scrapbooking a wedding there are a number of steps you can take and items you can include that will really enhance its intimacy and reflect the couple. First, consider the theme of the wedding.

Whether it is a simple color scheme or a full-blown theme, add elements of this to the scrapbook. Next, if there was a poem read or personal vows exchanged you’ll want to add it to your scrapbook. You can type and print them in a nice font or hand write them, either way it will be very special.

Third, add items like place cards, gift lists, invitations and pressed flowers to your layout. Last, but not least, place a photo of the happy couple either on the first or last page of the book. You will have created a scrapbook that will be cherished forever!

When creating an anniversary scrapbook one of the most important things to remember is to use colors to embellish the book that represent the number of years the couple has been married, especially if it’s one of the more symbolic anniversaries such as the 25th or 50th.

If you’re unsure of what colors to use or if you think the couple simply wouldn’t like the color, you may revert to the colors used at their wedding. When filling the scrapbook try to gather photos of special occasions like previous anniversaries, honeymoon, special trips or parties and the like.

You may also want to include a copy of the lyrics to “their” song and an invitation to their anniversary party.

You may also want to consider a chronological layout for this type of scrapbook. Years from now when the couple looks through it, it will be like a stroll down memory lane.

And last, but certainly not least, try to include at least one photo for every year they’ve been married.

If they’ve not been married for many years or you don’t have the space for many photos, select the ones that you believe are most precious and significant to them.

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