Finding Time to Scrapbook

With the fast-paced lives we all seem to lead, it’s sometimes hard to imagine having a spare moment for anything, much less our hobbies. It seems in order to get through the week without chaos setting in we have to plan, plan, plan.

If you want to have a moment’s peace for yourself you have to borrow time from one activity and spend it on another. There are a few simple tips that should help you make the most of your free time.

The first and most important tip I have is to organize your scrapbooking space as well as you organize your schedule. If you take the time to put everything in its place, you won’t waste the precious bit of time you have for scrapbooking.

If your supplies are scattered and disorderly there are many wonderful organizers out there that you could put to good use.

However, in order to make the best possible choice for an organizer, you must first gather everything up to be sure that you purchase what you really need.

Before you gather everything together and then rush into making a purchase take into consideration what you have in front of you. How much of this is useable and how much could you easily give away, trade or sell and never miss it?

As with any other hobby, many of us accumulate supplies over time, buying something newer and better along the way, without getting rid of the old.

Sort through your supplies carefully, getting rid of the unwanted or unused items and then choose what you need to organize what you’re keeping.

has a variety of totes and organizers to help you arrange your supplies for home or on the go.

Once you’ve organized your scrapbooking space you need to assess how you spend your time.

This assessment will give you a feel for where you might be able to borrow a little more time for yourself. Perhaps you could spend a few minutes more on your scrapbook if you spent a little less time watching TV.

Or maybe getting the children, or whole family, involved in your scrapbooking would free up a little more time. It could turn out to be a family hobby that everyone would get enjoyment out of while still spending quality time together.

What a win-win situation that would be!

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