Ragdolls: Characteristics

Many people around the world love to own ragdoll cats. There is a lot in the personalities of these cats that make them a great experience to own. Given below are certain points that will help you understand ragdoll cats better:

There is a notion that ragdoll cats get limp when they are cuddled. Although they are, indeed, a much laid back breed of cats and tend to relax completely when held and petted. But the thought that ALL ragdoll cats go limp is a bit too harsh on them!

Ragdoll cats are known for their people loving nature. They are very faithful to their owners and love to be surrounded by people all the time.

Although ragdolls are known to be very social and calm as a breed (which they are), they are pretty kittenish by nature and just adore playing! If you are looking for a perfect blend of gentleness and playfulness in your pet, this is the ideal breed for you. You will love your Ragdoll cat to no end when you see it play all around the house!

If you are one of the numerous individuals who would love to own a pet but cant because of space constraints, the Ragdoll cats are ideal for you. These cats can adapt to small spaces very well and can live happily in a small apartment. It is due to the trait of absolute relaxation in them.

Another great thing about Ragdoll cats is that they can accept training very well and if you spend a bit of time with them, they will be able to perform great tricks as well. Ragdoll cats are very intelligent and can get hold of the training very easily. In fact, they can learn to shake hands and fetch balls pretty easily. This makes them a favorite with many cat owners around the world. If you love to spend time with your pet and want to train it, the Ragdoll cat is what you are looking for!

Many pets have a tendency of breaking things around the house. The Ragdoll cats are an exception because they are not prone to jumping around a lot. In fact, unlike most other cats, they like to stay on the ground. Thus, with the Ragdoll cat around, you need not be afraid of stuff breaking all around your house!

The coat of the Ragdoll cats is quite exceptional. They do not require a lot of grooming everyday. They have a great coat that seldom mats and at the same time their fur is light. This makes them a very good breed to keep at home.

These are some general characteristics of the ragdoll cats. However, when you bring a pet, remember that it is an individual and it has distinctive characteristics. But there are great reasons why you should have a ragdoll cat as your pet.

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